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Each therapy below can be applied individually, in consecutive sessions (treatment), or combined with other techniques. For a broader treatment combining more techniques, get to know Integrated Healing therapy by clicking on the image on the side.

Individual 30 min session: R$ 144.00

Treatment of 4 sessions of 30 min: R$ 404.00

1-hour individual session: R$ 224.00

Treatment of 4 sessions of 1 hour: R$ 620.00

Integrated Healing Treatment (4 sessions of 1 hour): R$ 692.00 *

* Quarantine Promotion: by purchasing an Integrated Healing package, take an Aura and Ambient Purifier for free

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Lígia P., 34 anos

São Paulo, SP

"Ibirá é um terapeuta sensível, com um olhar empático e uma energia vibrante. Fazer uma terapia com ele é ter a oportunidade de cura e de aprendizado para a vida toda. Recomendo!"

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+55 11 998044835

Obrigado! Entrarei em contato em breve :)

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