Integrative Massage
Hand over your body
to ultimate relaxation
Integrative Massage is one of the contemporary techniques that uses an effective body approach to rescue the human totality - body, mind, emotion. It works in relaxation, physical and psychological rebalancing and in the expansion of body awareness.
Developed by Agnes Geöcze , a Hungarian psychologist based in Brazil, Integrative Massage is also very efficient in physical and psychic rebalancing. Integrating traditional massage therapy practices with oriental knowledge, it is a technique that can be applied individually or in consecutive sessions, promoting a significant progress in physical and psychological relaxation.
The Integrative Massage session lasts just over an hour and its effects are immediate. The benefits of this treatment are enhanced when applied in more sessions, or within an Integrated Healing treatment proposed by Ibirá Machado.
Individual session: R$ 224.00
Treatment of 4 sessions: R$ 620.00 (30% discount)
Integrated Healing Treatment (4 sessions): R$ 692.00