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Who is Ibirá Machado

A life focused on healing

Ibirá Machado has been investigating his healing gifts since 1998, at the age of 13, when he started working as a healing medium in a spiritist center in the city of São Paulo. Since then, he graduated from the Integrative Massage course, a technique developed by Agnes Geöcze, improving his method as a monitor of this course in the year following his training. At the same time, he also graduated in Psychological Kinesiology , offered by the Instituto Sedes Sapientiae, where he deepened theoretically and empirically in the study of the mind-body relationship, coming into contact with the technique of Calatonia , today one of his most applied methods. At the same time, he was also initiated in Reiki and Pranic Touch , sister techniques.

From his mediumistic development (psychic habilities), he received the recommendation to offer healing also through Aura Reading , or Soul Therapy , contributing to directing the patient's energy and raising the vibrational frequency, through the Realignment of Chakras , removal of miasmas and activation of positive frequencies.

He also added to his treatment list the Magic of the Seven Sacred Flames, becoming a fire wizard with the activation of the Divine Magic of Fire, with the use of candles and symbols that form true sacred mandalas.

And speaking of mandala, Ibirá also offers the Soul Mandala, an artistic piece made by hand with an exclusive result and the potential to promote a deep balance in the emotional, affective and professional fields of its owner.

He works in an office close to the Vila Madalena Metro, in São Paulo, and can work at home depending on the case. For aura reading, chakra realignment, fire mandala and soul mandala, sessions can be performed virtually.

Sobre: Sobre
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