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Chakra Realignment

Restoring the natural energetic balance

The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and means "wheel", "disc", "center" or "plexus". In this form, they are perceived by clairvoyants as vortices (eddies) of vital energy, spirals spinning at high speed, vibrating at vital points in our body.

The seven main chakras of the body are, from bottom to top: Root , Sexual , Solar Plexus , Heart , Throat , Third Eye and Crown . All of them are associated with the human body's endocrine system, and each of them is associated with a specific gland.

We will base ourselves here on the study of Hindus, who have been working on subtle anatomy for at least 10,000 years, through Ayurvedic medicine and the sacred scriptures of Hinduism. They are the pioneers in the study of chakras, and they each represent lotus flowers with different amounts of petals. The more subtle the chakras are, the more petals they have (with the exception of the third eye chakra).

From the spiritual point of view, each chakra brings with it a mission to be accomplished by man. The vibration of each of the chakras also indicates whether the person is doing well in each part of the body and in each sector of his life. A chakra that vibrates excessively is hyperactive, or that vibrates less than normal, hypoactive, is out of balance.

In this sense, chakra realignment is, in practice, an application of Reiki directed at each of the seven main chakras of the human body, with the aim of providing these energetic vortexes with their rotational rebalancing and capture of vital energy. In this way, as in all energy therapies, this practice allows the patient to heal himself from the restoration of his natural sources of energy capture.

This therapy can also be performed remotely, through Aura Reading developed by Ibirá Machado. With the remote connection allowed by the higher selves of the patient and therapist, access to the patient's energy field becomes full and many healings can be performed, including realigning the Chakras. In addition, it is a technique very present in an Integrated Healing treatment, proposed by Ibirá Machado.

Individual session: R$ 224.00

Treatment of 4 sessions: R$ 620.00 (30% discount)

Integrated Healing Treatment (4 sessions): R$ 692.00

* Can be performed remotely

Realinhamento de Chacras: Serviços
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