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Calatonia is a deep relaxation technique that leads to the regulation of body tone, promoting the patient's physical and psychological rebalancing. Essentially speaking, Calatonia bases its performance on “tactile sensitivity”, through the application of gentle stimuli, in areas of the body where there is a special concentration of nerve receptors.

The technique was created by Pethö Sándor, a Hungarian doctor who settled in Brazil in 1949, there developing clinical research work started when he was still living in Europe. During World War II, he worked hard to care for the wounded and refugees on the move across Europe. During the appointments, he began to notice that touching the skin (even without a defined technique) he could promote comfort, relaxation, physical as well as psychological improvement for his patients.

When he settled in Brazil, he systematized the technique he had been applying to his patients, calling it Calatonia. In Greek, "kalós" means good and "tonia" means tension or tone, that is, the definition for calatonia is "recover the ideal tone".

According to Sándor, many health problems were caused due to the excess of neurological tone that present themselves in the body through hypersensitivity and tension. When this tension is "relieved", symptoms such as tension and pain, for example, are resolved.

Since 1950 Calatonia has been used in Brazil by several professionals, especially in the areas of health and education (Psychologists, Doctors, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Massage Therapists, Speech Therapists, Educators, among others) in various contexts.

The basic procedure of Calatonia consists of a series of 9 touches that the therapist performs on the feet area: on each toe, at two points on the soles of the feet, heels, ankles and a touch at the beginning of the calves. It can be added to the tenth touch, known as Calatonia of the head, applied to the nape of the neck (occipital region). These touches are made in silence, in a simple and soft way, for 2 to 3 minutes in each of the mentioned points.

Its application is necessarily in person. For about 30 minutes, the session can be accompanied by the application of another technique, such as Reiki , Chakra Realignment or Pranic Touch , for example. In this case, the value of the individual session and the treatment are equal to the other therapies that last 1 hour (R$ 224.00 and R$ 620.00, respectively). It is also very present in Integrated Healing treatments, proposed by Ibirá Machado.

Individual session: R$ 144.00

Treatment of 4 sessions: R$ 404.00 (30% discount)

Integrated Healing Treatment (4 sessions): R$ 692.00

Calatonia: Service
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